Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Take 10 minutes and check out a "Learning Talk" at the MASIE Center

Elliot Masie's learning consortium involves over 240 organizations who develop, partner and share ideas focusing on benchmarking, networking, research and collaborative projects in the Learning and Training field.
The MASIE Center (http://masieweb.com/) has just launched a "LearningTalks" web site that features a series of short, free, video interviews on learning.

According to their press release, "this project of The MASIE Center is modeled after the valuable TED Talks, and begins with the release of over 40 segments from Learning 2010. There are interviews with Apolo Ohno, Marshall Goldsmith, Learning Leaders from JCPenny, Yum! Brands, CNN and Peace Corps and many more."

These 3 to 9 minute learning segments are now live at: http://www.learningtalks.com

Check it out!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Have no fear, Audio BOO is here.

Here is an interesting site (http://audioboo.fm/) that collects your brief audio recordings and makes them accessible to friends or students.

Audioboo.fm is the site, you can access it and record via the web and there are free client applications for the iPhone, iPad, and Android phones so you can record snippets (up to 5 minutes in length) and they will be uploaded to the audioboo web site.

Recordings are "geotagged" (location aware) so a google map can show where you where when the recording was made.

Here's a friend's audioboo example

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Math teacher has some Halloween fun with students using video tech

Check out this fun video at the Next Generation Learning Challenges web site. A creative math teacher had some fun with his students using a bit of acting, live action and video editing.



Monday, November 1, 2010

iPad Topics

iPads Revolutionize Technology on the WVU Campus

10 Ways People Are Using The iPad To Create Content, Not Just Consume It

Evaluation Rubric for iPod Educational Applications

Here is an elementary Principal's thoughts and accompanying rubric regarding the educational use of iPods. This rubric can be applied to iPads and other "tablet" computers arriving on the market. 


What do you think about this rubric? Post a reply and URL if you have rubrics you use or value.

The Future of Education - Video - What do you think?

Here is one student's interesting, thought provoking video describing a possible "Future of Education."


What do you think? Post a reply if you'd like.